
WordPress Vertical Scroll Recent Post Plugin

Vertical Scroll Recent Post allows you to add a scrolling div, where the desired number of posts titles will be displayed one after the other. It can be placed either as a widget or a shortcode wherever you like. Available options to display post’s date, post’s thumbnail etc.


  • Multiple Widgets and Shortcodes
  • Different scrollings with different settings
  • Pause on mouseover
  • Option to display post’s thumbnail
  • Option to display post’s date
  • Option to display link to all posts of Widget
  • Option for scrolling direction
  • Option to choose category
  • Option to select order

Plugin configuration:

  1. Drag and drop the Widget, multiple widgets allowed.
  2. Use the desired Shortcode in Posts/Pages.
  3. Add directly in to the Theme using the following PHP code:
    <?php $instance = array( 'class' => "", 'vsrp_id' => ID ); if ( function_exists( 'vsrp' ) ) vsrp(); ?>

1 thought on “WordPress Vertical Scroll Recent Post Plugin

  1. Dave

    Can the plugin be used in a page rather than a widget? If so, where can it be downloaded please?


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