A counter application for the Card Game Wizard. If you are out of count list papares and don’t want to write them your self on paper, you should try this app.

A counter application for the Card Game Wizard. If you are out of count list papares and don’t want to write them your self on paper, you should try this app.
Codescar Radio Widget produces a widget for your wordpress site allowing your users listen to a radio station from your website. It uses html5 audio element to play radio in sidebar.
Search-Into-Subcategories plugin allows you to make a select-search shortcode for your own categories. You can use if everywhere you want and make a tree structure for your categories.
Arguments you can pass parent_category Default is 0 You can list only sub categories of the category id you give here. With 0 lists alla categories max_depth Default is 2 How many subcategories to display, at least 1. search_input Default is 1 Display a text input for search. labels Default is Labels for the inputs. Give them in the position you want with ‘|’ as seperator. example: Category1|Category2|Text search_text Default is Search The text to display in search button hide_empty Default is 1 hide categories without content, set to 0 to display all! exclude Default is Category Ids to exlude from listing. Separate them with ‘,’
Example: 6,7,13
Example: [search-into-subcategories parent_category=0 max_depth=3 search_input=1 labels=cat1|cat2|cat3|Text search_text=Find hide_empty=0 exclude=7,6 show_date_ranges=1]
Link: http://wordpress.org/plugins/search-into-subcategories/